In this Privacy Policy, LINGUA CORE SIA, reg. No. 50203557941, legal address: Murnieku Str. 12-1, Riga, LV-1007, Latvia (hereinafter LINGUA CORE), which is the data controller of the person described in the Privacy Policy, provides information on the ways LINGUA CORE processes natural persons’ personal data, including the protection of data held by LINGUA CORE. Please read the following carefully, so that you would have information on how LINGUA CORE processes your personal data.

Controller and its contact information

1. The data controller is LINGUA CORE and its subsidiary.

2. The contact information of LINGUA CORE in matters relating to the processing of personal data is the email address Questions about the processing of personal data may be asked using this contact information or at the legal address of LINGUA CORE. Requests regarding the exercise of your rights may be submitted in accordance with paragraph 18 of this Privacy Policy.

Objective of the Privacy Policy

3. The objective of the Privacy Policy is to provide you (data subject) with information on the purpose, scope, protection and time limit of personal data processing at the time of obtaining and during the processing of your personal data.

Scope of application of the Privacy Policy

4. Personal data include any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person.

5. By providing your personal data to LINGUA CORE, you acknowledge and fully agree that LINGUA CORE processes your personal data in accordance with this Privacy Policy and the legislation applicable and binding in the Republic of Latvia.

6. LINGUA CORE takes care of the privacy and protection of personal data, observes the right to the lawfulness of the processing of personal data in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations: Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (the Regulation) and other applicable legislation in the area of privacy and data processing.

7. The Privacy Policy applies to data processing regardless of the form and/or environment in which a person provides the personal data (on the LINGUA CORE website, via email, in paper form or by telephone) and of the company systems or paper form used to process them.

Right to process personal data (legal basis)

8. The legal grounds for LINGUA CORE to process personal data:

Purposes of data processing

9. LINGUA CORE processes personal data for the following purposes:

Protection of personal data

10. LINGUA CORE takes appropriate administrative, technical and physical security measures to protect your personal data against accidental, unlawful or unauthorized destruction, loss, alteration, access, disclosure or use, and other unlawful uses.

11. LINGUA CORE processes your personal data using modern technologies, taking into account the current privacy risks and organizational, financial and technical resources reasonably available to LINGUA CORE in accordance with the company’s IT and Security Guidelines and the international ISO 27001:2013 Information Security Standard.

Categories of personal data recipients

12. LINGUA CORE does not disclose to third parties your personal data or any information obtained through the provision of services and during the term of a contract, including information on services received or provided, except:

Storage of personal data

13. LINGUA CORE stores and processes your personal data as long as at least one of the following criteria exists:

14. LINGUA CORE regularly updates personal data based on the information you provide.

15. Personal data are stored in accordance with the storage periods of LINGUA CORE personnel records and accounting documents, as well as the Regulation.

Access to personal data and the rights of a person

16. You have the right to receive information regarding the processing of your data specified in laws and regulations.

17. In accordance with laws and regulations, you also have the right to request LINGUA CORE to supplement, correct, erase or restrict the processing of your personal data. You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data (including the processing of personal data based on the legitimate interests of LINGUA CORE), as well as the right to data portability. These rights are enforceable to the extent that the processing of data does not follow from the obligations of LINGUA CORE imposed by the effective laws and regulations and carried out in public interests.

18. You may submit a request for the exercise of your rights:

19. Upon receipt of a request to exercise your rights, LINGUA CORE verifies your identity, examines the request and executes it in accordance with laws and regulations.

20. LINGUA CORE sends a reply to the request for information by registered post to the address specified in the request or by email, considering the person’s indicated form of receiving the reply to the extent possible.

21. LINGUA CORE ensures the fulfillment of data processing and protection requirements in accordance with laws and regulations and, in the event of your objection, takes appropriate steps to resolve the objection. However, if this fails, you have the right to contact the supervisory authority, the Data State Inspectorate.

Data subject's consent to data processing and the right to withdraw it

22. You have the right to withdraw the consent to process the data at any time in the same way it was given, in which case the further processing of data based on the previously given consent for the specific purpose will not be conducted.

23. The withdrawal of consent does not interrupt the processing of data conducted based on other legal grounds.

24. The withdrawal of consent does not affect the data processing performed at the time when the consent was valid.

Other provisions

25. LINGUA CORE has the right to update the Privacy Policy by making the current version available and notifying the persons covered by the Privacy Policy thereof.

26. LINGUA CORE retains the previous versions of the Privacy Policy, and they are available upon request.